Some people collect autographs, some collect antiques, others collect stamps. My hobby is a little different, I collect bars. This site represents my collection, documenting each bar I visit.
This is not a review site, there's plenty of those already. Most posts in this bar diary are slice-of-life recaps of the half hour or so I spent having a beer. I hope you enjoy browsing through my collection!
--ScooterJA Few Random Favorites
Tin Mill Brewing
13 August 2023(Downtown, Hermann, MO) Scooter’s 1685th bar, first visited in 2023. After we revisited Stone Creek to finish what we ran out of time for yesterday, the rest of the gang...
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Midnight Mine
26 May 2018(Downtown, Fairbanks, AK) Scooter’s 1239th bar, first visited in 2018. I never would have guessed that the very first bar I would ever visit in Alaska would be my favorite...
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Scarritt Archive
#194: AJ’s Tavern
Posted on September 2006 | No Comments(Scarritt, Kansas City, MO) Scooter’s 194th bar, first visited in 2006. I had heard about this place before, a story about a customer bringing in a shopping cart that had... -
#192: Karen’s Kozy Cabin
Posted on September 2006 | No Comments(Scarritt, Kansas City, MO) Scooter’s 192nd bar, first visited in 2006. This is one of the smallest bars I have ever seen, it was a full house with approximately 6...